Addressing Officer

This person is responsible for approving and providing address information to the Emergency Services Communication Bureau, local phone companies, and the 9-1-1 service provider. This person also updates the local mail carrier of new address assigned.

For Fire and Rescue purposes, please place and display the number assigned to your property prominently on or near your front door, visble from the street. If your building is located more then 75ft or not visable from the road, please place the numbers at the beginning of your driveway.

Jerry Keay – Term Expires 2024 – 207-509-5928
Alternate – Jeanie Doore – Term Expires 2025


Town Office

Town of Albion
22 Main Street
Albion, ME 04910

P (207) 437-2900
F (207) 437-2903 



Monday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Tuesday 10:00AM to 4:00PM

Wednesday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Thursday 12:00PM to 6:00PM


Saturday CLOSED


*NO new registrations will be processed 15 minutes prior to closing.  This includes vehicles, trailers, ATV, snowmobiles and boats.

*Town Office is CLOSED on all State Observed Holidays and for ALL state and federal elections.

holiday hours


GPS Coordinates

Lat:  44°31'56" N
Lon:  -69°26'33" W

Map & Directions