Budget Committee
The Budget Committee assists the Board of Selectpersons in the annual crafting of a proposed Town budget for the voters' consideration at the Town Meeting. Committee members' recommendations on each warrant article that involves the expenditure of Town funds are also presented to voters in the annual report and at Town Meeting.
The committee meets once a year, typically the second week of February, to review and approve the budget submitted by the Selectboard.
The Budget Committee has eight members who serve staggered three-year terms and two alternate members who serve a one year term.
Committee Members:
Sonia Nelson (Chair) – Term Expires 2025
Steve Clark – Term Expires 2025
Vicki Gordon – Term Expires 2027
Julie McKenzie – Term Expires 2025
Steve Nelson - Term Expires 2027
Bev Bradstreet – Term Expires 2027
Joseph Doore – Term Expires 2026
Matt Dow – Term Expires 2026
William McKenzie III – Term Expires 2025
Amber Whitaker – Term Expires 2025